Effects of Cussing

This addresses using words with literal meanings of feces, sex, and/or religious concepts to communicate other things.

Background considerations

Please consider if you cussing might influence you and/or others in the direction of the following

An analogy An analogy in concept: Consider someone in a game of checkers dumping the board when upset about how the game is going. In the short run dumping the board might be stress relieving for the person who dumps the board (at least if one has the habit of doing so), emphasize a point (that they’re ticked off about the game), and get someone’s attention. Before considering it a good idea to dump the board consider other possible effects (such as those for harmful effects of cussing). Is dumping a checkerboard what you would want to model to your kids? Is it how you would want your kids to respond to a game not going how they would like? – or more generally to respond to things they don’t like – in attitude or behavior? Would that approach be helpful to society? What about the same questions regarding cussing?

Why you might “feel better” after cussing – and things you might consider in relation to those Reducing the harmful effects of cussing
When hearing such a word use, a simple split-second type mental reminder that it isn’t OK, and avoiding an adverse emotional reaction, could help to decrease the harmful effects of cussing by avoiding the spread of its use to you and avoiding the possibly broader impact on attitudes that an acceptance of such a word use could have. You having an adverse emotional reaction could increase the harmful effects of cussing because that can get you down. This might have implications for how children are addressed concerning such word uses. It might be worth considering addressing such word use in a way that (1) helps promote a recognition that it’s not OK (for anyone of any age – it doesn’t become OK as people get older, like smoking doesn’t become OK as people get older, we just put more effort into helping younger people so we’re more likely to address it to them), (2) helps promote the distinction, applicable to other situations as well, between people and things they do that they shouldn’t do, such as between people who smoke and smoking, between you and bad choices you make, and (3) avoids modeling an adverse emotional reaction.

Habit kickers depending on age (child or adult) or situation might include a quick reminder/respectful request, no talking for one minute, sitting out, an allowance deduction, confiscated cell phone for x minutes, paying a dollar to whoever catches you first (for an adult who wants to quit their kids might eagerly help), etc. Also, consider putting some focus on responding productively/positively to situations (attitudes and behavior) instead of only focusing on avoiding cussing, and allowing yourself to be at peace with the habit breaking process.